
I'm Kasey and I am ignited by the opportunity to join you all as co-facilitator for the Rising Earth artivism immersion next month, to learn, experiment and create together at the Eco-Institute. I’ve spent the majority of the past couple years as a student and facilitator of spiritually rooted, experiential leadership trainings in Southeast Asia. It was by participating in my first 5-month sustainability course in Thailand that my sense of self and connections deepened, and I gained a set of transformative lenses and tools I am continually, imperfectly practicing and building upon. I am fascinated by the power of performance art to express social issues, and have tapped into my highest pleasure through clown and movement collaborations with my Headlong Performance Institute cohort in Philadelphia. I am so curious and delighted to connect and learn more about you, your gifts and your visions.

About Kasey

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Kasey’s passion for elevating the spiritual, relational and cultural dimensions of social change was fostered during a 5-month leadership training in Thailand with the International Network of Engaged Buddhists that centered on the inner and interpersonal work of sustainable community and movement building. Developing deep friendships with youth leaders in Southeast Asia evolved into transformative opportunities to facilitate with local activists in Tibet, Northeast India and Myanmar. Fusing her media studies background and arts-based facilitation style, Kasey recently offered media literacy workshops to teachers, monastics and youth in the region. Her greatest self-affirming (and terrifying) leap was into the world of experimental performance art last year in Philadelphia, pursuing trainings in clown and dance-theater, and igniting in the process of making edge-pushing pieces.

Meet all three core facilitators for the summer Rising earth immersion

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