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Community Resilience

Strategic Evaluation & Imagining our Way Forward


Strategic Evaluation & Imagining our Way Forward

As we gently slip into Winter time here in North Carolina, I write to offer a glimpse into this moment of The Eco-Institute from my perspective as Executive Director, including a decision to pause programs in order to engage in a focused time of reflection, learning, and strategizing.


Walking for Water — Mani Biwa


Walking for Water — Mani Biwa

The Spring 2021 Rising Earth Immersion cohort joined in and walked for miles through rural NC neighborhoods knocking on doors and spreading awareness about the Mountain Valley Pipeline Southgate Extension. We were participating in the 100-mile, Indigenous-led Water Walk, resisting the MVP Southgate’s threat to precious water bodies and sacred Indigenous sites across ancestral Saura, Tutelo, Monacan, Occaneechi and Saponi lands in Virginia and North Carolina.


Live Like the Forest


Live Like the Forest

We sang a gratitude song before the meal, thanking the Earth and each of the meals’ contributors for their acts of generosity. It felt like a homecoming. I started attending the bi-weekly garden volunteer days, buoyed by the laughter and peace that come from the simplest of tasks in community: spreading mulch, pulling out tomato vines, or struggling to build a greenhouse. I showed up to the story nights, fire circles, and potlucks, reveling in this way of being so dramatically different and more fulfilling from what I had known before…


2020 Recap

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2020 Recap

One highlight of 2020 for many people and organizations was the understanding that we are all interconnected, and that we do not exist outside of the political, economic and social systems in place, nor do we exist apart from the pain inflicted upon members of our society and on other-than-human beings of our beloved Earth Community.

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Cultivating a Life Culture

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Cultivating a Life Culture

Abbey Cmiel, graduate of the Rising Earth Immersion, sends an update, asking: how can humans be a beautiful and beneficial addition to the intricate web of life that exists?

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What does it mean to be sovereign?


What does it mean to be sovereign?

The reality is, there are few people who want the rainforest deforested, or racial injustice, or the deepening of poverty. But our economic structure, in which corporations have power over both the economy and the government, allows for limitless destruction.


Rising Earth Immersion Curriculum


Rising Earth Immersion Curriculum

In this post, you will find a sample of programming for the Rising Earth Immersion. First you’ll get a sense of the core curriculum, followed by guest programming, which varies session to session. Many of these examples are drawn from 2020, a year that brought a lot of curricular articulation and response to the cultural events of our times.


A Letter from the Executive Director

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A Letter from the Executive Director

I write to you as a white mother feeling heartbreak, anger, and despair about recent acts of racialized violence, especially deepening in my knowing that this kind of violence has been woven into the fabric of our society since the beginning.

I also write to you as the Executive Director of The Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain, where we are grappling with how best to stand on behalf of this organization against police brutality, systemic racism, inequity, and white supremacy.

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Community Resilience and Residential Programs During a Pandemic


Community Resilience and Residential Programs During a Pandemic

We are moving forward with our plans to offer both summer and fall sessions of Rising Earth in 2020, and are maintaining attentive optimism about our ability to do so safely due to our unique location, infrastructure, small-scale adaptability and other resources we’re fortunate to have access to at this moment. This post contains details of our plan.
