Spiral of Light: A Winter Solstice Festival — The Eco-Institute

2024 SPiral of Light

A Winter Solstice ceremony

saturday, December 21
(RaIN Date, December 22)

Gather with us on the Winter Solstice to share warmth, light, and prayers for our world.

In connection with Earth-honoring cultures who celebrate this seasonal turning point, we invite you to join us for this beautiful ritual which symbolizes finding the light in the darkness together. Share a sacred community fire, candles, warm drinks, music, and ceremony. Please bring a candle-lit lantern if you have one!

The ceremony takes place within a mandala of candles, where we honor the dark and the light inside each of us and the renewal of our hopes for the world. Each attendee takes an unlit candle into the center of the spiral of evergreen branches, where they light it from the central candle. Each lit candle is then brought out and placed along the spiral, expanding and spreading the light.

This is a powerful time of year for personal and community introspection.

This is such a beautiful nature-connective ritual that it has become an annual community tradition here.


Saturday, December 21, 6-7:30pm
*Rain date: Sunday, December 22, 6-7:30pm
This event takes place outdoors, so please bundle up.