Megan and Tim Toben founded The Eco-Institute at Pickards Mountain in 2005 out of their love for the Earth and their concern for the future of life.

Meg and Tim believe that humanity has never before had access to such abundance, technological resources, power, and potential—potential for both good and for destruction. The exploitation of Earth’s ecosystems has taken our planet beyond a tipping point. They began to ask themselves: How might we contribute to the healing of our world?

They began to open their home and farm to this conversation, birthing a beautiful and resilient community, now known as The Eco-Institute. Members of this community include parents, teachers, entrepreneurs, students, artists, professionals, activists and children of all ages. Field trips for local school groups, residential internships, workshops and classes in a wide range of sustainability topics, retreats and community gatherings have all taken place here.

Meg and Tim have raised their two spirited children on this land, and feel deeply fortunate to have had the opportunity to learn from the thousands of inspiring people who have passed through this place.